Announcing the Nightingale Network
April 24, 2024
Josh Risley
CTO, Nightingale Open Science, University of Chicago

Nightingale Open Science launched in January 2022 with a mission to democratize access to healthcare data for researchers worldwide in an effort to unleash the community's creativity within the field of computational medicine.

In collaboration with clinical health systems such as Providence, National Taiwan University, Stanford, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and others, Nightingale has published new, clinically-focused datasets totaling over 160 terabytes of medical imaging and other device data, including the world’s largest collection of breast cancer biopsies linked to long term outcomes. Our data has been used by researchers and students from over 50 countries working to solve pressing issues in disease diagnostics and treatment.

Now, we are happy to announce a new initiative that makes Nightingale data even more accessible: The UC Berkeley UCSF Joint Program in Computational Precision Health will become one of the first members of the Nightingale Network.

Researchers at universities that belong to our partner network will be able to use Nightingale data within their home institution's secure computing facilities in addition to our existing on-demand cloud computing platform. The ability to leverage on-premises compute expands the possibilities for research, particularly for imaging datasets that can be 100 or more terabytes.

If you are interested in joining the Nightingale Network, contact us to discuss arrangements.

With this and our continued efforts to gather and expand access to data, Nightingale helps researchers across the globe pursue groundbreaking discoveries in computational medicine wherever they may be.