To realize our vision of accelerating medical knowledge discovery and precision health using AI, we set out on a mission to democratize healthcare data and compute to all researchers, educators and learners worldwide.

Large de-identified data sets are not widely available, and neither is storage or compute capacity. Within a year of our launch, more than 600 researchers, educators, and learners from more than 45 countries from all 6 inhabited continents have joined our platform. Our original product, the Nightingale Public Cloud, continues to serve this large community of users, many of whom do not have access to medical data or compute otherwise.

The public cloud provides a free compute tier to all users. Users may pay for faster compute as needed. Our public cloud includes video tutorials and executable notebooks to get you started. We periodically host ML contests that gives free compute credits to participants and awards cash prizes and conference talk invitations to winners.

We continue to add new features - such as the recently added discussion forum or the soon-to-be added data labelling tools which will enable collaborative research within our community.

Click the 'Log in/Sign up/Access data' button above to join our platform and use our public cloud.