Are you a Professor or Instructor who teaches degree-granting or short courses in healthcare machine learning? Do you need open data sets and machine learning tools available through a browser-based environment immediately? We believe that professors should not have to spend days to months setting up compute environments and data sets and students should not have to struggle to get storage/compute capacity or shared lab environments with their teammates.

We are happy to help just as we have helped several universities and organizations such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University College London, Berlin Institute of Health, University of California - Berkeley, and the National Institutes of Health AIM-AHEAD initiative.

You class can sign up and start using our platform as the teaching lab for your course on the same day! We provide your class with a JupyterLab interface that supports Python and R along with access to our data sets. You also have access to our video tutorials and our executable notebooks. Your students can install any custom libraries. You only pay for the storage and compute capacity and help that you need.

Contact us for more information or register on our platform to test drive it.

Ready to get jumpstart your teaching lab?